Current Projects | Stroud Neighbourhood Development Plan | Buildings of Concern | Local List | Local List Process
Local ListA Locally Listed Heritage Asset is a building, park or garden considered to be of special interest because of its historic, architectural, design or townscape value. This is not the same as a Listed Building which is designated at national level by Historic England.
Stroud Town Council has designated these buildings in collaboration with Stroud District Council. Stroud Town’s first Local List of Heritage Assets was adopted in 2017. The area that was chosen for this first list was the Neighbourhood Development Plan Area, essentially the Town Centre, with over 92 nationally listed buildings. There are a lot of steps to a Local Heritage Asset List (Local List). Firstly to work out the method and then a nomination form. Then we met with volunteers and walked the streets of Stroud Town Centre looking and enjoying so many of the details on buildings around the town. 100 buildings were nominated! We got together a group of local building experts including two people from SDC Conservation Planning and between us we chose the 45 ‘best’. These have been photographed, written up in detail and letters are going to owners to check in a public consultation that there is agreement that these buildings can be locally listed. Stroud Town Centre's Local List: Stroud Town Centre's Local List can be seen at: If you are interested in doing a Local Heritage Asset List for your area or town or village all the 'How To' Information that you need - a list of the Process and 12 linked documents that you can alter to suit your own circumstances - are available to download here: Local List Process Do let us know how you get on! [email protected] |